Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No Greater Joy!

November 13, 2008

Last night my little one Landon was upset with us. We got out our scriptures as usual and sat down. He was still standing where we went and retrieved the scriptures, pointing to their spot. I realized he wanted his own scriptures too. So I got out another copy for him and handed it to him. He took them and moved his cute little diaper bottom to the sofa, helped himself onto the sofa and opened up the scriptures onto his lap and looked at all of us…as if to say “O.K., I’m ready now”. I was so proud! Then after scriptures I accompanied Logan into his room to say his personal prayers…Landon followed us into their room and kneeled himself beside me and Logan with his hands clasped together. Logan goes on to say his prayers and starts to get up… Landon just stays there with his hands clasped. I then ask him if he would like to say his own personal prayers. He started to talk a little and then I start to say a prayer for him. I say amen and he mumbles a word that sounded a little like “Amen”. He then gets himself off the floor and walks away. I didn’t realize he knew what I was saying and that he had such a desire to be like the rest of the family. It was the coolest thing, I’ve ever seen! My heart just swelled! When opportunities like this come my heart and mind just can’t imagine not being a mom and missing such innocent and sweet moments. *As a side note: I thought I would add this really funny picture of Landon and Logan...just being my silly kids!