October 11, 2008
Today Kirt and I took the boys to get their flu shots…that was really fun ( I hope you can hear the sarcasm) there was a flu clinic at the pediatrician office we go to and a short line. Well, they decided to speed it up and take a couple of families to get their shots at the same time. As we were leaving (we were a part of the line) there was a line of screaming, crying kids. All the other children who were just waiting there to see the doctor for there regular visits were grabbing onto their parents, looking terribly worried. It was actually really funny to see a whole bunch of kids screaming all at once in a line. Well, we took them to Macey’s to get an ice cream cone and that seemed to make them a little happier. On the way home from Macey’s I was telling my husband that my Mom had BYU tickets to the game but didn’t want them so she gave them away. He was shocked…he would have loved to go to the game. Well, on our way to get our car checked to see if we could get it fixed (I was rear ended the day before) we heard that 1280 ‘the zone’ was giving away free tickets to the game at Wingers in the mall. Sooo Kirt drove by there to see if there were any tickets left. There was! We got four tickets and took our boys a long with his brother Koster to the game. Landon didn’t need a ticket so we had an extra. We had a blast, up until the 4th quarter when Logan had officially decided he had enough of being out in the cold and was bored to tears. He did really good until then though and was jumping around and shouting “Go Cougars!” and loved singing the fight song. Landon was as good as gold… he just sat there the entire time, enjoying himself…it may have been because he was a popsicle and couldn’t move…one of the two. BYU won 23 to 3! I’m sure it was due to Logan’s stomping of his feet which we told him helped BYU score against the other team.
To Be Continued.......
15 years ago
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