Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cheap or Frugal ?!?

Sept. 20th 2008

Today we went to Macey’s for a free treasure hunt. Kirt and I took Logan and Landon there and we had Logan dressed up as a pirate with his captain hat, hook, sword, and home-made sheath. It was not the most organized activity…but, the kids had fun. They had paper pirate hats and paper eye patches, and they went through a cardboard box village and pillaged the village by bringing back skeleton bones to the “head” pirate. They got to pick out a piece of candy. Then they had people stationed through out the store and you went around picking up “booty”. After that we noticed that across the street they had a ‘health’ fair and they were giving a way free bike helmets…we waited in line and got two free helmets that were really nice complete with knee and elbow pads. We also went around to several other booths where you learn about safety hazards. Spot the Tot, Fire Department simulated a what to do in a real fire situation, the effects of smoking and drinking (that was kind of gross they had real live pig lungs…one had a lot of black and the other was healthy…Kirtis touched it! yuck!) It was over all really fun and very free.