Wednesday, December 31, 2008


November 11, 2008

I’ve decided that I’m going to share some of the things that my son, Logan says. Sometimes they’re so funny I can hardly stand it! Tonight I had a parent committee meeting at Logan’s preschool! His teacher says to me “Oh he is so funny and so opinionated.” This of course had me interested. I asked her what made her say that. She
Said that today at school he mentioned something funny… I guess he was complaining because he was hungry and wanted to have snack right away. She told him in a little bit they’ll have snack. She said that he then turns to her and says, “I’m sooooo hungry, I’m like an empty piggy bank on the day after Christmas!” I just started laughing…she asks me if we say that all the time…I told her I had no idea where he gets the things he says sometimes. I have to tell you about two days ago. It was Sunday and we were at church and Logan had to use the restroom. My husband Kirtis took him to the boys room and he said that Logan went into the stall used it then came right out and looked at him and said, “Enter at your own risk!” and went right back in. Yesterday was just cute, Kirt asked Logan to put something away and Logan looks at him and says, “Yes dad I’ll do it with Glee!”. How many 4 year olds say they’ll do it with glee, honestly! He just cracks me up. Life without Logan just wouldn’t be as fun!

Side note: The count down is on! I’m scheduled for an induction on Saturday. I’m kind of scared, I’ve never been induced before. I’m secretly hoping that my water will break the day before. One can only hope. I guess it’s a good thing because the doctor said I tested positive for Strep B and that it could hurt the baby if they don’t run antibiotics through me just before he’s born. I asked him why I would get it, I didn’t have it with my other two. He said it just happens, some women get it all the time, some won’t get it at all, and some will have it with some of their kids. I’m just lucky this time around. It will be weird to have 3 kids. I hope I don’t go crazy!