I just can't believe it. I'm a mom of three!!! We just had our third boy. Lincoln Eyring was born November 15, 2008. He was 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 19 in. long. Dr. William Parker delivered him. I was scheduled for my induction at 9:00 am because they had to run antibiotics through me first before they could break my water. Dr. Parker was going to come in at 12:30pm to break my water but, I picked the wrong day to be induced... the B.Y.U. vs. U of U game was that day and Dr. Parker had to wait till half time in order to induce me ( yeah, that's what he told me! I was in shock too! He also let me know he got caught up in face book). I can understand though because my husband is an avid football fan. I was actually very shocked that he didn't watch a minute of it that day... He informed me that he knew he would be in trouble if he did. Well, it was 3:30pm when He broke my water and at 5:31 pm Lincoln was born. It went pretty fast and pain free... well, for the most part. It did take the anesthesiologist 3 times to put the epidural in...which is never fun...he told me that my anatomy is wrong! Go figure! He said that I'm higher up in the spot to put the needle in than most women and to remember to tell the next guy who gives me one of these, to go in between L2 and L3 and go high! I'm writing this down for future reference because if I can avoid getting poked like a pin cushion, I would prefer it! Lincoln came in 3 pushes which is much better than it was with my first, Logan which I don't even know how many pushes, I just know it took 41 minutes to push, which I'm guessing is a lot more than 3 pushes. Everything went smooth as can be... I had a few guests during the delivery my Mom, Gee ( my grandma), Kari (my sister), Kimberly (my other sister, who incidentally shares the same birth date as my second son Landon), my Mother-in-law, Camille (my sister-in-law), and Kirt of course! It was a party!
To Be Continued.......
15 years ago
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