Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

These are a few of our New Year's pics... This is Logan and Landon with their cousin Gabe at Grandma Candy's house. They got to stay up pretty late and blow bubbles. Aren't my kids cute!!!!! I can't believe it's another year! Time flies...

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas

We had a great Christmas! This year was my parents Christmas sooo, we spent the majority of the time with my family but we still got to enjoy a little bit of both families. On Christmas Eve we went to the Olive Garden for dinner ( those people must hate us) with our entire family which includes: My sister Kenna her husband Brad and four kids ( Shawn, Steven, Melissa and Derek), my sister Kari and her husband Michael and their three kids ( Jared, Gavin and Scott), My sister Kim and her husband Tyson, my family, Mom and Dad and Gee. It was a crowd! I now remember why I don't bring children to a restaurant. Logan spilled his soda on Gavin, Landon was throwing food and screaming. My husband kept looking at me with "the look" ( it's a certain look he gives me of annoyance)... I don't think we want to go out to a restaurant with them for a very long time. We got to go to my Mom and Dad's house afterwards and did our family tradition ( we have the kids dress up and perform the Nativity), then we had them make cookies for Santa by decorating sugar cookies with lots of frosting, ate homemade donuts and cider ( which we've been doing since I was little) and this time we opened presents from eachother's families. We then went to my mother and father-in-laws and did the Nativity there (this time we all dressed up). We then slept over and Santa found us the following morning. I have to show you the blanket my sister-in-law made me for's absolutely gorgeous! I love it when she makes me blankets (she's done one for each of our kids) the way THANK YOU CAREE! I have to tell you she's super woman she made Logan, Landon, and Lincoln a teepee and me an advent calender as well. She has four kids one that's just 4 months older than Lincoln! I have no idea how she does it. Sorry to go off...I just had to talk about it. Santa brought Logan a kitchen and a 'real' bow and arrow ,Landon got a rocking horse 'plane' and an umbrella and Lincoln got a towel that looks like a monkey. The family got a couple of movies. Then they opened presents from Mom and Dad. I tell you every year I forget how much I spend on my kids...their spoiled rotten.

I'm a MOM 3rd time over !

I just can't believe it. I'm a mom of three!!! We just had our third boy. Lincoln Eyring was born November 15, 2008. He was 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 19 in. long. Dr. William Parker delivered him. I was scheduled for my induction at 9:00 am because they had to run antibiotics through me first before they could break my water. Dr. Parker was going to come in at 12:30pm to break my water but, I picked the wrong day to be induced... the B.Y.U. vs. U of U game was that day and Dr. Parker had to wait till half time in order to induce me ( yeah, that's what he told me! I was in shock too! He also let me know he got caught up in face book). I can understand though because my husband is an avid football fan. I was actually very shocked that he didn't watch a minute of it that day... He informed me that he knew he would be in trouble if he did. Well, it was 3:30pm when He broke my water and at 5:31 pm Lincoln was born. It went pretty fast and pain free... well, for the most part. It did take the anesthesiologist 3 times to put the epidural in...which is never fun...he told me that my anatomy is wrong! Go figure! He said that I'm higher up in the spot to put the needle in than most women and to remember to tell the next guy who gives me one of these, to go in between L2 and L3 and go high! I'm writing this down for future reference because if I can avoid getting poked like a pin cushion, I would prefer it! Lincoln came in 3 pushes which is much better than it was with my first, Logan which I don't even know how many pushes, I just know it took 41 minutes to push, which I'm guessing is a lot more than 3 pushes. Everything went smooth as can be... I had a few guests during the delivery my Mom, Gee ( my grandma), Kari (my sister), Kimberly (my other sister, who incidentally shares the same birth date as my second son Landon), my Mother-in-law, Camille (my sister-in-law), and Kirt of course! It was a party!


Well, I thought I'd explain why all of a sudden we have all these posts...I have been writing since I started the blog but, the internet has been down at our house and as it is we only have the free internet from juno so we only have 10 hours a month to use. But, my clever husband has figured out how to restore the free internet back to our I'm back! I'll try to never get so far behind and I know there will be more updates from the past.


December 16, 2008

Now this is a new one! My little 17 month old almost 18 month old did something very funny… although he can’t speak real words he is very smart and almost always copies either his brother or Mom and Dad. Well, I guess because our family is in the holiday mood with Christmas being around the corner, we’ve been watching a lot of Christmas movies…like It’s a Wonderful Life, Scrooge, The Santa Clause, Miracle on 34th street, and White Christmas. Well, I in particular love ‘White Christmas’ and I’ve been watching it a lot since, I have to sit down to feed the baby I turn on the movie for a little bit. Well, you know you’ve been watching a movie too much when your little 17 month old is trying to copy the movie. You know the scene where they’re practicing the ‘Minstrel’ number at the lodge, well my little one started saying a part of the movie. In the beginning of the number where Crosby, Kaye, and Clooney started telling jokes in one part (Clooney) says “ That a joke” and the boys go “Ah Ha”, (Clooney) “ That was told” , (boys) “Ah Ha”, (Clooney ) “ In the Minstrel days of old…..” Well, after Clooney (the girl) said her part in the movie, Landon just started copying the part where Crosby and Kaye say “Ah Ha”. It is soooo funny! Now I sing the one part to him and he repeats the “Ah Ha” back to me! He also started dancing while they were dancing. It is sooo cute! I’m going to have to record it.

Another Loganism

December 13, 2008

This is going to be short but, I thought it was very funny! Yesterday I was watching Scrooge (the musical- and the only good version) with Logan. As we were watching he noticed the ghosts coming and trying to help Scrooge. He says “Mom, what are the ghosts trying to do?” I told him that they’re trying to help Scrooge become a better man and to repent and make good choices…he stops me and says “You mean their trying to teach him a lesson?” I said,“yes, they are”…then his eyes widened with an astonished look on his face and with his mouth open he turns to me and says…”Mom I think they’re trying to teach me a lesson too!” I thought it was really cute! December 16th- Logan wanted to get out his winter hat and gloves this morning because it had just snowed. When he arrived at his school (the Headstart program) his teacher noticed that he was all bundled up with his coat, gloves, hat, jacket and umbrella (in case it snowed…he just received the spider-man umbrella for his birthday the 1st of December from Grandma Candy and was excited to use it) and asked if Logan was cold…Logan said “I’m freezing straight down to my underwear”. He makes me laugh!

No Greater Joy!

November 13, 2008

Last night my little one Landon was upset with us. We got out our scriptures as usual and sat down. He was still standing where we went and retrieved the scriptures, pointing to their spot. I realized he wanted his own scriptures too. So I got out another copy for him and handed it to him. He took them and moved his cute little diaper bottom to the sofa, helped himself onto the sofa and opened up the scriptures onto his lap and looked at all of us…as if to say “O.K., I’m ready now”. I was so proud! Then after scriptures I accompanied Logan into his room to say his personal prayers…Landon followed us into their room and kneeled himself beside me and Logan with his hands clasped together. Logan goes on to say his prayers and starts to get up… Landon just stays there with his hands clasped. I then ask him if he would like to say his own personal prayers. He started to talk a little and then I start to say a prayer for him. I say amen and he mumbles a word that sounded a little like “Amen”. He then gets himself off the floor and walks away. I didn’t realize he knew what I was saying and that he had such a desire to be like the rest of the family. It was the coolest thing, I’ve ever seen! My heart just swelled! When opportunities like this come my heart and mind just can’t imagine not being a mom and missing such innocent and sweet moments. *As a side note: I thought I would add this really funny picture of Landon and Logan...just being my silly kids!


November 11, 2008

I’ve decided that I’m going to share some of the things that my son, Logan says. Sometimes they’re so funny I can hardly stand it! Tonight I had a parent committee meeting at Logan’s preschool! His teacher says to me “Oh he is so funny and so opinionated.” This of course had me interested. I asked her what made her say that. She
Said that today at school he mentioned something funny… I guess he was complaining because he was hungry and wanted to have snack right away. She told him in a little bit they’ll have snack. She said that he then turns to her and says, “I’m sooooo hungry, I’m like an empty piggy bank on the day after Christmas!” I just started laughing…she asks me if we say that all the time…I told her I had no idea where he gets the things he says sometimes. I have to tell you about two days ago. It was Sunday and we were at church and Logan had to use the restroom. My husband Kirtis took him to the boys room and he said that Logan went into the stall used it then came right out and looked at him and said, “Enter at your own risk!” and went right back in. Yesterday was just cute, Kirt asked Logan to put something away and Logan looks at him and says, “Yes dad I’ll do it with Glee!”. How many 4 year olds say they’ll do it with glee, honestly! He just cracks me up. Life without Logan just wouldn’t be as fun!

Side note: The count down is on! I’m scheduled for an induction on Saturday. I’m kind of scared, I’ve never been induced before. I’m secretly hoping that my water will break the day before. One can only hope. I guess it’s a good thing because the doctor said I tested positive for Strep B and that it could hurt the baby if they don’t run antibiotics through me just before he’s born. I asked him why I would get it, I didn’t have it with my other two. He said it just happens, some women get it all the time, some won’t get it at all, and some will have it with some of their kids. I’m just lucky this time around. It will be weird to have 3 kids. I hope I don’t go crazy!

BYU vs. New Mexico

October 11, 2008

Today Kirt and I took the boys to get their flu shots…that was really fun ( I hope you can hear the sarcasm) there was a flu clinic at the pediatrician office we go to and a short line. Well, they decided to speed it up and take a couple of families to get their shots at the same time. As we were leaving (we were a part of the line) there was a line of screaming, crying kids. All the other children who were just waiting there to see the doctor for there regular visits were grabbing onto their parents, looking terribly worried. It was actually really funny to see a whole bunch of kids screaming all at once in a line. Well, we took them to Macey’s to get an ice cream cone and that seemed to make them a little happier. On the way home from Macey’s I was telling my husband that my Mom had BYU tickets to the game but didn’t want them so she gave them away. He was shocked…he would have loved to go to the game. Well, on our way to get our car checked to see if we could get it fixed (I was rear ended the day before) we heard that 1280 ‘the zone’ was giving away free tickets to the game at Wingers in the mall. Sooo Kirt drove by there to see if there were any tickets left. There was! We got four tickets and took our boys a long with his brother Koster to the game. Landon didn’t need a ticket so we had an extra. We had a blast, up until the 4th quarter when Logan had officially decided he had enough of being out in the cold and was bored to tears. He did really good until then though and was jumping around and shouting “Go Cougars!” and loved singing the fight song. Landon was as good as gold… he just sat there the entire time, enjoying himself…it may have been because he was a popsicle and couldn’t move…one of the two. BYU won 23 to 3! I’m sure it was due to Logan’s stomping of his feet which we told him helped BYU score against the other team.

Family Campout

October 10, 2008

We had a family campout inside our house. Logan had been begging us for forever to set up his mini tent in the living room and bring out his sleeping bag and flashlight. So tonight I promised him we could. We went to the store and got some stuff for smores , I told him though that we wouldn’t be able to light a fire in our home to roast the marshmallows, but he kept insisting that we should do it. Well, we waited to be able to have our campout with dad and then got his tent up. He told dad that he wanted to roast marshmallows in the house because that’s what you do when you go camping. Well, dad decided we’d pretend… he went outside and got some big sticks and got our Halloween pumpkin lights and put them underneath the sticks so it gave it an orange glow…then he had Logan color a picture of fire flames. Logan thought that was so cool! He kept rubbing his hands together and saying things like…”Oh, the fire’s hot”, ”I’m getting warmer” , “Isn’t it a nice fire mom”. We had him get in his pj’s and pretended to roast marshmallows in our “nice fire” and then heated up the marshmallows in the microwave with the graham cracker and chocolate. We ate them and then read a couple of ghost stories before going to bed. We have the old Troll house books on tape…we read “ the mystery of the witches shoes” and “ the mystery of the haunted piano”. There fun to read and not too scary. In the morning we made cinnamon rolls to end our campout extravaganza.
Side note: Logan said something so cute to me today… I’m going out shopping with my mom and grandma (Gee) soooo…I actually did my hair and make-up today ( I know a shocker) and as I was putting on mascara, Logan says, “Mom what are you doing?” I told him I was trying to make myself beautiful, he then says “Mom you always look beautiful, even when you put that stuff on!” It made me want to cry…I love it when he’s sweet with me!

Are we really this cheap?!?

October 9, 2008

Well, today we had the Kirby vacuum cleaner guy come to show us the vacuum. They called us the day before to see if we were interested in a free carpet cleaning in our rooms. I told them that I’m not that interested in having them come because I’m not going to buy anything. They said that it was just an opinion poll to see how well it cleans the carpet and that they definitely wouldn’t be charging anything for the cleaning. Well, they didn’t charge for the carpet cleaning but, they gave us a 2 hour presentation on how wonderful the Kirby vacuum was. It was pretty cool but, they wanted $2199 for this vacuum. I’m not sure why anyone would spend that kind of money on a vacuum, even if it did last 50 years. You could buy a Bissell for $69, at least 17 times over to equal that price. Anyways, it was funny though because our kids were really into the vacuum guy. He kept saying phrases like, “ Isn’t it the best vacuum ever!?!” and Logan shouted like in the game shows “YES IT IS !!!” It was soooo funny. He was so enthused! I think the vacuum salesmen look for people who are like Logan when they sell. Logan got out his toy Dirt Devil vacuum to show the vacuum salesman that he is a good cleaner and knows his vacuum’s. Landon was just attracted to the shininess of the vacuum…he kept drawing near it and touching it, but every time the salesman went near him to show him something he would quickly run to me or dad to hide from him. Anyways, Logan had a great time with the salesman and was sad to have him leave after we let him know that we wouldn’t be purchasing the vacuum but appreciated the free cleaning. It’s the simple things in life you treasure!

First Day of Preschool

September 22, 2008

Logan started his first day of school! I can’t believe it! My little four year old goes to preschool. The first day went really well. I stayed for almost all of it. It starts at 8:00 am and ends at 11:30 am. I was very apprehensive at first to let him go. I just couldn’t stop thinking about how he’s getting older and that I’ll miss having him at home all the time… I know this must sound funny because it’s only 3 hours a day for 4 days a week, but it was like a chapter of having him home with me all the time was closing and I didn’t want to turn the page. He was more than happy to see me go and I know in my heart of hearts it’s what’s best for him, because he just gets to bored to be home with me all the time, I can’t seem to entertain him as much or as long anymore. When I picked him up he couldn’t stop talking about all the new things there were in the classroom and the new things he would be learning…I started my new tradition with my son for his first day. My mom used to do this for me. She’d go to ‘All A Dollar’ or I think it was ‘Pic N’ Save’ at that time and find a cheap toy for a buck and wrap it. She’d then put clues around the house starting first in our room for us to find what ever it was she hid. It wasn’t always toys, it was a candy bar or a tape or something small and simple. I loved that tradition…it always had me excited for the first day of school, even when I was scared or felt nervous I always knew that when I got home something fun was waiting for me. And I usually had a good day by the end of the first day of school, but coming home knowing there was a game to play made it that much better. So I did it with Logan and helped him look for the clues…he loved it! It was a cheap toy and he actually played with it so much that later that day it was already broken….like I said it was a cheap toy. But, he had a good time.

Cheap or Frugal ?!?

Sept. 20th 2008

Today we went to Macey’s for a free treasure hunt. Kirt and I took Logan and Landon there and we had Logan dressed up as a pirate with his captain hat, hook, sword, and home-made sheath. It was not the most organized activity…but, the kids had fun. They had paper pirate hats and paper eye patches, and they went through a cardboard box village and pillaged the village by bringing back skeleton bones to the “head” pirate. They got to pick out a piece of candy. Then they had people stationed through out the store and you went around picking up “booty”. After that we noticed that across the street they had a ‘health’ fair and they were giving a way free bike helmets…we waited in line and got two free helmets that were really nice complete with knee and elbow pads. We also went around to several other booths where you learn about safety hazards. Spot the Tot, Fire Department simulated a what to do in a real fire situation, the effects of smoking and drinking (that was kind of gross they had real live pig lungs…one had a lot of black and the other was healthy…Kirtis touched it! yuck!) It was over all really fun and very free.

Today is Chile day!!!!

Sept. 18th 2008

Oh, I love this day…I know this may sound psycho which I already know my sisters think I am… but I love this day! It’s the day where we celebrate my husband’s mission!
My husband left in Sept. 1998 to serve an LDS mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He labored two years preaching the gospel and serving the people of Santiago, Chile. He loved that experience! Well, I was pondering one time what I could do to encourage my son’s to have the same desire and it came to me Chile day’s!!! Logan and I decorated the kitchen in Chilean colors with balloons, streamers, and of course the Chilean flag. Well, I tried to make a Chilean dinner ( I ended up using the wrong recipe). It was good though. We had brussel sprout casserole, Fanta (an orange soda drink they have in Chile), peaches and salad. (I also didn’t make the salad true to form either... I should have though…all they have for a salad there is lettuce and tomatoes with lemon on top) I needed my ranch dressing. Anyways, Logan helped me make a cake and we decorated it like the Chilean flag. Then we played pin the tie on the missionary, and watched a video of Kirt’s mission he received. Later, Dad had to leave to work on homework, but the kids and I painted a piggy bank for our new baby that we’re having in November. We have a tradition in our family that when we have a baby boy…which so far we’re 3 for 3, that we make a mission piggy bank. We buy a ceramic piggy bank at a ceramic store, paint it, have the letters RWH (Return With Honor) on it and then send it back to the store to have it fired. Logan really enjoyed it and did a great job covering the entire piggy bank with my help….and Landon well, he mostly just ate the paint off the brush. ( I knew that was going to happen!) But, towards the end when he saw Logan painting, he started to stop eating paint and start painting. It was a great day! If anyone has any ideas for mission games or missionary related activities for future Chile day’s I would love to hear it.

To Run or Not To Run…

Sept.1, 2008

Well, this was an interesting labor day…my 4 ½ yr. old son Logan was having a hard morning. He kept doing wrong things…so he was put in time out a lot… well, he finally got fed up with our family and decided he wanted a new one. He told me and Kirtis that he wants a new family and he’s going to leave to find one. Kirt let him know to make sure he picked out a good one. Well, as soon as dad left to make a quick trip to Home Depot. Logan took his little Dr. Seuss back pack loaded up some clothes, his tooth brush, tooth paste, underwear and socks, his sleeping bag and was headed out the door. Well, it was getting cloudy outside and I told him that he should put on a jacket. Well, he wanted his warm red down jacket. I told him that we would need that for our other son Landon when he got older…so I gave him a light jacket.( In hope’s of making life a little harder for him and thus want to stay home.) Well, he politely thanked me and said he was ready to go. He gave me a kiss and a hug and off he went out our front door. I watched him through our screen door. Our poor neighbors not able to see me at the door thought Logan was out on his own. They asked him to come back and to go home. Logan just kept walking on our very busy street which really made me nervous. Good thing I taught him about street safety because to my utter surprise he crossed this very busy street while looking both ways. I nearly had a heart attack! I grabbed Landon and started walking outside along the same street. I started to whistle and look around as though I wasn’t trying to watch Logan. Logan stopped and noticed me coming. As I got behind him I said “ Oh, Logan fancy meeting you here!” He quickly replied, “Mom, are you following me?”. I then told him I decided to go on a walk and asked if he would mind if I walked with him while he was looking for a new family. He said that was fine. Well, we finally stopped in front of a red brick house with a chain link fence. He said, “ Alright Mom, this is the place”…I told him alright ( while thinking the entire time what I should do to convince this rather energetic, strong willed child of being at home with our family.) I was praying for guidance. Well, he opens the fence door walks up the walk way and to me surprise again…just opens the door and walks right in to this house. I called after him. (Luckily, I knew this lady from our ward in our church.) He didn’t get far the lady came out and asked what was going on. I let her know that Logan is tired of our family and that he’s decided he wants a new family and that this looked like a good place to stay. She then went on to say that she is alone and doesn’t have time for children and that he has a very good mother already…unconvinced Logan looked confused and wasn’t sure what to do. I told him that this lady didn’t need a child and that she didn’t have time for him. I went on to let him know though, that I needed him and that I love having him in my family. Well, that didn’t have any effect on him sooo he let me know that he was simply going to look somewhere else. I said, “Alright, where are we off to now?” He then crossed the busy street again and this time I was right near him and started walking to this house that was brand new ( it was maybe a year old). He let me know that this house looked great and that this was definitely the place for him….So, I told him to go a head and knock on the door. He did and stood there…looking at me and letting me know that I could go now since he found the family for him. After he knocked we heard sounds of very loud and big dogs. The lady opened the door and looked at him and then me. I let her know that Logan was tired of our family and wanted a new one and he thought that this house was the place for him. She stared at me (probably thinking I’m a nut) and looked at him and told him that her and her husband were the only one’s there and that they have grand children, they look after here and there and that they had their hands full with them and also that they have really big dogs. I told Logan that these people also didn’t want him, that they didn’t have room for him and that the big dogs might trample him and be too big for him to be around. (He wasn’t so sure of the big dogs! ) I let him know though, that I wanted him and that I needed him around in my family…that it just wouldn’t be the same without my Logan. He said “But, I need a new family.” It then started to rain…I let Logan know that I needed to go because Landon was getting wet and I didn’t want him to catch a cold. I went on to say that we could come back another day and look for a new family if he would like. Logan noticing that it was getting cold and wet agreed. We opened up his sleeping bag and started back home huddled underneath it. (Although it didn’t work very well, he was too slow or too fast at different times and so we eventually ran for it.) Dad mean while noticed we weren’t home and drove around to find us. He picked us up in the car and took us home. We got inside the house and the discussion began. Logan took off his coat and asked if he could watch a movie…Dad, with a twinkle in his eye looked at him and said, “Well, I know that your mom and I would let you watch a movie…but since your looking for a new mom and dad we can’t be sure what their new rules for you would be. They might not want you to watch movies or t.v….so we better not turn anything on, because we don’t want to disobey their rules.” Logan stood there not knowing what to do and thought about that. He then says “Mom, may I have some hot chocolate?” I looked at Kirtis for a moment and then turned to Logan and said “Well, I know I would let you have some hot chocolate, but I’m not sure if your new mother would want you to have something so sweet…and I don’t want to break your new mom’s rules so we better not”. At this point he looked like all life’s happiness was dashed away. I then walked with him in the other room and said…”You know, I love you and I really want you to be in my family.” He then said, “O.k. Mom I’ll be your son for another day!” I told him that I didn’t just want him for another day…that I wanted him to be mine FOREVER …. He looked at me and said “O.k. Mom, I want to be yours forever too!”. I then gave him a big hug and told him that we need to get him out of his wet clothes and into some dry one’s and that I’ll make both of us some hot chocolate and we’ll watch a movie together. He smiled and hurried into the other room to let his Dad know that he was going to be his Forever. I am truly grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that is all knowing and blessed me with the help I needed.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I've been Tagged!!!

Well, my older sister tagged me to start a here it is. It's going to start out pretty slow, because I don't know what I'm doing. Anyways I thought I'd start out playing her game.

How to Play This Game of Tag, Post these rules on your blog: List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.

Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.


1. Having my sons hop into bed with me every morning and snuggling me.

2. Having my best friend with me every morning and night.

3. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


1. I'm afraid of cockroaches,spiders, and basically anything that crawls.

2. One of my hugest fears is that I will fail in raising righteous children.

3. Being asked to give a talk in church and farting while I'm giving it and gassing out the Bishopric. (Being nervous gives me gas...that should probably go under random surprising facts about myself).


1. I would like to be very good at using my sewing machine, maybe someday people will class me as a "seamstress".

2. To have my "dying home" paid off...well, lets be realistic to just have a nice home. ("Dying Home": It means to have the home that's perfect for your family that you will eventually die in. )

3. To be completely debt free!

3- Current Obsessions/Collections

1. I am really into collecting food for our year supply of food storage.

2. I'm obsessed with trying new foods and creating new meals...much to my husbands chagrin.(mostly cause some of it doesn't turn out good)

3. Houses!!! I like to look at them, figure out how I would design the inside and outside and how I would get it for what I can afford.

3- Random surprising facts about myself

1. I don't like to fill up the gas tank on a weird has to end with something like 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents or 00. I don't know just drives me crazy until I have it there.

2. My latest thing is when I get stressed out, I break out into hives, start throwing up, get really sweaty and on some occasions pass out.

3. I snort when I laugh sometimes!

Tag your it!!!

Caree S.
Stefanie P.
Liz K.
Camille K.
Corinne K.