Feb. 14, 2009
At our house the tradition we have for Valentines is that when the 'boy's' (including my husband) wake up there's been a "heart attack" of hearts all over their room or by their side of the bed. One of the hearts you make extra big and tell one of the things you love about them. Then you make a Valentines breakfast like Pink heart shaped pancakes and eggs (don't make the eggs pink though...it made Logan dry- heave last time I did that) or homemade cinnamon rolls with pink frosting and heart shaped toast and fruit and juice. For dinner I get a heart shaped pizza, pink jello salad, regular salad and then give out my Valentines which is usually candy and a card of some type. We do a family activity during the day or night....today we threw snowballs at each other and played hold mom down in the snow while Logan throw snowball's at her. It was fun! (no sarcasm intended...really.)
To Be Continued.......
15 years ago
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