Saturday, March 14, 2009

Science Fair

March 7, 2009

I noticed on a building near our house a sign that said free science fair for I decided to take Logan. We had a mom and son day! Kirt watched Landon and Lincoln so I could take Logan. It was really fun!!! Logan loved going and collecting a stamp for each section of the fair. At the end of the fair if you've completed the "passport to science" then you get a our case a water bottle or sunscreen. He has always wanted his very own water it worked out. We made Kleidoscopes and our very own ice cream. We got to do a balloon race, dig for fools gold, balance nails, karate, played with gloop, (Logan was dry heaving during this section which made a lot of people wonder if he was sick) it's really just cornstarch and water but he thought it was gross, suspect a killer by testing different pens and seeing which pen had the right combination of colors in the ink, tested our taste buds, made bubbles with dry ice and dish soap, and made soda explode with mentos candy. It was great. Logan was chosen to assist with the exploding soda, he didn't quite expect the soda to go all over him... it was classic, I wish I had a picture for that moment, my camera wouldn't take the picture fast enough.