Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pajama Swim Party

Feb. 28,2009
I had to include this... I was giving the boys a bath and Landon didn't want to get out (he wanted to hang out with his brother) anyways...I got his diaper on, his socks, pj's (I said nightgown to my mother-in-law and she laughed at me) and then I went to change Lincoln who was poopy and it couldn't wait and the next thing I know...Landon's having a party in the bath tub with Logan...PJ's and all!


Jani Jo said...

Kelly, I am FINALLY getting around to checking out your adorable family blog! Your boys are so, so darling; honestly. That little Lincoln is precious. It was great seeing you at Jill's shower, but until the next 'get-together' I am happy to keep tabs on your fam with this blog:) Tell them all 'hi' for us!