Sunday, June 7, 2009

Logan's 'Easter' Pillow case

April 3, 2009

Yes, we set 0ut to make Logan's pillowcase...I being the naive mother I am thought I would have patience to teach Logan how to make a pillowcase. Well, I learned a lot about myself...I'm not quite ready to teach other's to make anything let alone have patience. I couldn't get the darn sewing machine to work for 2 hours (it was the user not the machine)... eventually we got it going with me biting my lip and trying with all I have in me to not keep correcting or yelling! I was exhausted at the end of the day! But, Logan was happy with the finished product and absolutely loves his pillowcase... he's so proud of himself...he really did do a great job...I helped guide a little while he used the pedal...but he mostly did do it himself he even pinned the thing after we measured together. He did great!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Landon the Beautiful

April 2, 2009

Yes...Trouble can happen in seconds! I wasn't even in the house 10 minutes when Landon disappears, finds Grandma Candy's mascara and was trying to make himself beautiful. He even has his coat still on! He's amazing!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dad and Me

I had these pictures of Logan and Kirt working on a project back in Febuary, Kirt had for one of his classes...I thought I'd better post them before I forget about them. I love to see them working together!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Big Guys Little Guys with Mom

March 24, 2009

I got Kirt and Logan some tickets at the library for a Daddy and Sons day....well it turned out that Kirt wasn't able to make it...he had to work. Sooooo, I got to go with Logan and be a Dad for the day. We had a Mom and Son day instead. The library was hosting "Big Guy's Little Guy's" medievil knight themed activity. First we went to the fishing game which Logan went back and did a couple more times (he loved the prizes), we watched jugglers juggle real knives, we pet the "beasts" (tarantula, turtle and lizard), then they had a build your own castle ( with legos) area and we did that for a little bit. We dug for gold and Logan noticed an area to get a balloon crown and so we went and got that and then they had a face painting area (he wanted a skeleton face). They had a jousting area where the kids got fake swords and "battled" with their dad's or mom's in this case. They also had a basketball hoop to thrown balls in...I'm not quite sure what that had to do with the whole knight and shining armor theme, but it was "guyish". We had a great time! Afterwards they give you a Mc D's 'happy meal', although we missed that and I went by Wendy's and picked him up a lunch. Then we went by a fabric store so he could pick out some fabric to make himself an 'Easter pillowcase'. We were really lucky that Grandma was willing to watch the other kids so we could do this. It was a great Mom and Son day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lincoln's Baby Blessing

November 22, 2009

Today, we finally blessed Lincoln! I know, he can practically talk and bless himself...but today we did it! My whole family came...Kenna and Brad Mills family, Kari and Michael Brown family, Kim and Tyson, Gee Gee, Mom and Dad, Mom and Pa, Keith and Liz family, Koster and Caitlin. They all made it to our ward or church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) at 9:00 am!'s early. Then we went to my parents house for brunch, to celebrate the blessing. It was a really nice day and it was an awesome blessing. A lot of precious things were said. I'm very grateful for my family and especially for a husband who holds the preisthood and blesses my children.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Your a Winner!!!

I got this post from my sister in law...I've decided to have a little fun as well.

The first three people to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me.

However there are some limitations.

1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make.
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year.
4. You have no clue what it is going to be, poetry, clothes, paper goods, or a little invention of my own. I may bake something and mail it to you .
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

Here's the catch, if you choose to do this. You must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for three people too. This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog.

Are YOU in?????

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lincoln is 4 months!

Today, my little one is 4 months old! I can't believe it...time goes fast.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Science Fair

March 7, 2009

I noticed on a building near our house a sign that said free science fair for I decided to take Logan. We had a mom and son day! Kirt watched Landon and Lincoln so I could take Logan. It was really fun!!! Logan loved going and collecting a stamp for each section of the fair. At the end of the fair if you've completed the "passport to science" then you get a our case a water bottle or sunscreen. He has always wanted his very own water it worked out. We made Kleidoscopes and our very own ice cream. We got to do a balloon race, dig for fools gold, balance nails, karate, played with gloop, (Logan was dry heaving during this section which made a lot of people wonder if he was sick) it's really just cornstarch and water but he thought it was gross, suspect a killer by testing different pens and seeing which pen had the right combination of colors in the ink, tested our taste buds, made bubbles with dry ice and dish soap, and made soda explode with mentos candy. It was great. Logan was chosen to assist with the exploding soda, he didn't quite expect the soda to go all over him... it was classic, I wish I had a picture for that moment, my camera wouldn't take the picture fast enough.

Silly Landon

Landon likes putting things on his face. He know's he's cute.

Tackling Papa Kim!

Here's Logan and Landon and Papa Kim (Kirt's dad) rough housing! They love their Papa!

Kirt's 30!!!!!!!

My husband turned '30' on March 3rd...I can't believe it! To celebrate I had my mother-in-law watch our kids a few days before his birthday and I took him to Valkerie at the dollar theatre and then we went and got a 'free' gourmet burger from Red Robin (when you sign up on their club). We had a good time! The Sunday before his birthday we went to his parents and had dinner and a mini party. On his birthday day we just made his favorite breakfast and dinner and opened a present.

I'm very grateful for him. I've been very blessed to have him a part of my life. It's been a ride! I wouldn't want to go through this life without him. Thank you for being my best friend my sweet heart and I love you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pajama Swim Party

Feb. 28,2009
I had to include this... I was giving the boys a bath and Landon didn't want to get out (he wanted to hang out with his brother) anyways...I got his diaper on, his socks, pj's (I said nightgown to my mother-in-law and she laughed at me) and then I went to change Lincoln who was poopy and it couldn't wait and the next thing I know...Landon's having a party in the bath tub with Logan...PJ's and all!

The Earth Science Museum

Feb. 27, 2009

I asked Natalie to come with me to the Earth Science Museum. It was really fun. Logan got excited right and left at all the dinosaurs. There wasn't a lot there (in fact we circled the thing twice and was only there for an hour) but the kids got to see the students working on chiseling out dinosaur fossils out of rock and they really like that. It was a fun Mom and son's activity!

Landon Capt'n Underpants

I don't know what it is but he always gets into Logan's drawers and puts his underwear on his head...

Valentines Tradition

Feb. 14, 2009
At our house the tradition we have for Valentines is that when the 'boy's' (including my husband) wake up there's been a "heart attack" of hearts all over their room or by their side of the bed. One of the hearts you make extra big and tell one of the things you love about them. Then you make a Valentines breakfast like Pink heart shaped pancakes and eggs (don't make the eggs pink made Logan dry- heave last time I did that) or homemade cinnamon rolls with pink frosting and heart shaped toast and fruit and juice. For dinner I get a heart shaped pizza, pink jello salad, regular salad and then give out my Valentines which is usually candy and a card of some type. We do a family activity during the day or we threw snowballs at each other and played hold mom down in the snow while Logan throw snowball's at her. It was fun! (no sarcasm intended...really.)

My Valentines

Feb. 13th 2009

Wow, that pictures dark... I took Kirt to the Marriage Conference that was at Thanksgiving Point... it was of course, 'free' we got tickets through Logan's school. They were promoting this conference and family togetherness. So we got to benefit! It was really cool, we had a very nice catered dinner ( Kirt and I had chicken in herb sauce, vegetables, salad and breadsticks) then we got to listen to some speakers (John and Jane Covey, Lund, and I forgot the other one) they also provided chocolate turtle cake and drinks ( water and pink lemonade). It was sooo nice just being the two of us, my Mom was very kind to take our children for 4 hours... yeah you had to listen to speakers that long, but it was free and a date which I haven't had with Kirt in a long time.


A couple days before Valentines day, (my friend Natalie) and I thought that we would have our kids make some Valentines for their Dad's... it was fun and the kids enjoyed gave us a chance to socialize. The one picture of Landon is kinda Silence of the Lambs-ish, but very cute!