Friday, July 25, 2008

I've been Tagged!!!

Well, my older sister tagged me to start a here it is. It's going to start out pretty slow, because I don't know what I'm doing. Anyways I thought I'd start out playing her game.

How to Play This Game of Tag, Post these rules on your blog: List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.

Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.


1. Having my sons hop into bed with me every morning and snuggling me.

2. Having my best friend with me every morning and night.

3. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


1. I'm afraid of cockroaches,spiders, and basically anything that crawls.

2. One of my hugest fears is that I will fail in raising righteous children.

3. Being asked to give a talk in church and farting while I'm giving it and gassing out the Bishopric. (Being nervous gives me gas...that should probably go under random surprising facts about myself).


1. I would like to be very good at using my sewing machine, maybe someday people will class me as a "seamstress".

2. To have my "dying home" paid off...well, lets be realistic to just have a nice home. ("Dying Home": It means to have the home that's perfect for your family that you will eventually die in. )

3. To be completely debt free!

3- Current Obsessions/Collections

1. I am really into collecting food for our year supply of food storage.

2. I'm obsessed with trying new foods and creating new meals...much to my husbands chagrin.(mostly cause some of it doesn't turn out good)

3. Houses!!! I like to look at them, figure out how I would design the inside and outside and how I would get it for what I can afford.

3- Random surprising facts about myself

1. I don't like to fill up the gas tank on a weird has to end with something like 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents or 00. I don't know just drives me crazy until I have it there.

2. My latest thing is when I get stressed out, I break out into hives, start throwing up, get really sweaty and on some occasions pass out.

3. I snort when I laugh sometimes!

Tag your it!!!

Caree S.
Stefanie P.
Liz K.
Camille K.
Corinne K.